Sunday, June 27, 2010

Easy Headboards - Question #4

How do I make a headboard that is easy, cheap and looks great? Help!

I find that the easiest and cheapest way to make a headboard is with fabric and curtain rods... You can buy ready made curtains at Ikea or you can make some with your fabric of choice - just sew a pocket on top and on the bottom so that the curtain rods can fit through... Slip the fabric on the rods, arrange them pleated or smooth, and hang them.

Or you go to Home Depot and get garden lattice that is already framed...

Just paint it, turn it on it's side and hang it!

Another option is to use already made stencils. They have great ones at

A canvas is good, but very expensive! Unless of course you can find a huge piece of canvas or art at a flea market or second hand store...

Good luck! Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Wow! The headboard really looked so romantic and elegant! I think every couple would just want to relax in this beautiful bedroom. As for me, I still go to bedroom's headboard with brass rods metal and brass tubing design so it will look like unique and modern.

Bianca said...

So if we went the garden lattice route...would it work for a quien size bed?

Laura Solis said...

Your article was a great read! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas with us.
Mattress Mick

elainenewell said...

Cool tutorial